Adjacent to both Shibuya and Ebisu stations, the area surrounding Daikanyama Station boasts a laid-back and sophisticated atmosphere. The name Daikanyama is believed to have originated in the Edo Period, when it was a mountain-forest area and also the residence of the Daikan (prefectural governor), who oversaw the military in wartime. Today the area hosts Hillside Terrace, a complex designed by architect Fumihiko Maki, as well as a high street lined with a rich variety of colorful shops. Neighboring Nakameguro is also packed with unusual boutiques, in which many of Tokyo’s everyday trends originate. Each year in spring, the cherry blossoms that line the Meguro River draw appreciative crowds as they reach glorious full bloom. Today, we join Asami Kiyokawa, an artist who enhances photographic art works with ingenious and original embroidery, on a tour of the area that is “an appealing place for artists and designers to live”.
代官山 蔦屋書店

Since its birth in 2011, Daikanyama Tsutaya Books has become the new face of Daikanyama. Selling not only books but also DVDs, CDs and even stationery, the store is curated by a bevy of professional specialist staff known as “concierges”. It is designed as a place where customers of all ages can find “a deeper joy of culture, and items to make life more fun”.
2011年の誕生以来、代官山の新たな顔となったのがここ、代官山 蔦屋書店。本だけでなく、映画DVD、音楽CD、文具まで、「コンシェルジュ」と呼ばれる専門スタッフによる品揃えの豊富さと精選ぶりは日本髄一です。世代を問わず「人生を深く愉しむ文化と、生活をもっと楽しむアイテム」に出会える場を目指しているそう。

Asami: This store became a talking point among artists and designers throughout Tokyo from the moment it opened. I’m a regular here, especially since I lived nearby until recently. Rather than hurrying down here, I like to wander in at leisure to feel refreshed and to experience serendipity. A lot of people enjoy simply browsing books in the comfortable chairs, too.

As we browse the shelves of photography books, along comes Asami’s musician friend Keiichiro Shibuya! Together they flip through the pages of Wolfgang Tillmans’ latest photo book, as well as looking at some of Asami’s own works, and their conversation becomes increasingly animated.
写真集の棚を眺めていると、友人の音楽家、渋谷慶一郎さんの姿が! 清川さんの好きなW・ティルマンスの最新作品集を渋谷さんと一緒に眺めたり、清川さん自身の作品集を開いたり、話が弾みます。

After they make parting promises to meet again soon, we take a break in the second-floor lounge, Anjin. Surrounded by some 30,000 publications that include back issues of classic Japanese magazines, magazines imported from around the world and valuable books covering subjects such as art and design, visitors can relax and enjoy food, green tea and alcoholic drinks.

Asami:Being surrounded by books from all ages makes me feel comfortable here. There is also art on display, and sometimes live music is performed in the store. I love to spend time sitting on a sofa with friends, deep in conversation. I like this store because whether it’s books or music or movies or art, it is a place where you can relax while feeling in the present. I guess that makes it a very Daikanyama kind of place.

代官山 蔦屋書店
- Address
- 17-5, Sarugakucho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (View on Google maps)
- Phone
- 03-3770-2525
- Nearest Station
- Daikanyama
- Opening Hours
- 7:00-26:00 (2F 9:00-26:00)

Next we move on to the neighboring district of Nakameguro. Always the epicenter of the latest in life-size Tokyo culture, the area is littered with shops that are small but packed with personality. First up, Kiyokawa leads us to the door of a flower shop that is known only to those who know it, called farver.

Asami:Since there is no sign outside this shop, you might hesitate to enter. But once you open the door, you are greeted with a wonderful aroma plucked straight from the pages of “The Secret Garden”. Because I often use flowers in my work, I visit a lot of florists, but the assortment here and the atmosphere make it totally unique.

With a small antique-like room filled with all kinds of flowers from across the world, it is a truly wondrous space. Beautiful spherical purple alliums, smoke trees with wispy foliage that you might think was cotton-candy, abstract sculpture-like succulents... Kiyokawa stops to stare intently at each. Three times a week, the owner pays a predawn visit to Ota flower market, the largest in Japan, to purchase fresh flowers, while the store also dedicates a corner to dried flowers. Bouquets can be made to order, based on whatever image you have in mind.

Asami:If I could, I’d take all of these flowers home with me! (Laughs.) Seeing the colors of flowers every day is such a nice thing, and sometimes I give flowers to the people close to me even when it’s not a special occasion. I often choose the florist based on the recipient. With flowers that appear beautiful on first glance, ones that are simply pretty, others that are rare, and also those whose cuteness hides a more mysterious kind of beauty, this place is perfect for people who are especially individual, I think!

- Address
- U-Tomer 1F, 3-13-3, Nakameguro, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (View on Google maps)
- Phone
- 03-6451-0056
- Nearest Station
- Nakameguro
- Opening Hours
12:00-19:00 (Saturday, Sunday, Public Holiday)
12:00-20:00 (Other day) - URL
Sato Sakura Museum Tokyo
郷さくら美術館 東京

Among the cutting-edge Tokyo culture to be found in Nakameguro, there are also places to enjoy a very Japanese sense of beauty. Founded in 2012 and specializing in modern “Nihonga” (Japanese-style painting), the Sato Sakura Museum Tokyo is a branch of the gallery of the same name in Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture. Nakameguro is also a bustling spot for “hanami” flower-viewing every spring, with beautiful “sakura” (cherry blossom) trees lining the river.
エッジの効いた東京カルチャーを体験できる中目黒にあって、日本的な美を堪能できる場所もあります。「郷さくら美術館 東京」は、現代日本画の専門美術館として2012年に設立し、福島・郡山市にある同施設の東京館となります。なお中目黒も毎春、川沿いの桜並木が都内有数のお花見スポットとして賑わう地として知られています。

photo by
Asami:The cherry blossoms only bloom in spring, but this gallery was opened with the concept of “a place where you can view paintings of sakura in full bloom throughout the year”. I’m attracted to Japan’s historical Rimpa School of painting (a style from the late Azuchi–Momoyama Period, or the 17th century, in which nature and literature inspired bold decorative works), and here I feel a similar impression of modern progressive Nihonga.

Including a permanent exhibition of grand canvasses adorned with sakura, enchanting Nihonga come to life in galleries on three floors. One of the exhibitions we see today, “Estranger: People of a Foreign Country”, gathers works that inherit styles and methods from beyond the centuries, painted through the eyes of the modern day. Kiyokawa’s interest seems drawn to that sensitive touch, and in “kindei”, a type of gold paint used in Nihonga that is made by blending gold dust into glue. And finally on to the permanent exhibition, “Cherry Blossom Feast”.
桜を描いた大作が並ぶ常設展など、3フロアに日本画の魅力が息づく館内。この日観た企画展『エトランゼ —異国の人々—』も、世紀を超えて様式・手法を受け継ぎつつ、今の目線で描かれた日本画が並びます。清川さんもその繊細なタッチや、金粉をニカワで溶いた絵具「金泥」の手法などに興味を引かれたようです。そして、いよいよ常設展示『桜の響宴』の間へ。

Asami:From large-scale depictions of sakura-petal “snowstorms” to works set against a backdrop of Mount Fuji or a temple, there are so many paintings of sakura here. Rather than sitting down for hanami, I prefer to experience the beauty of the sakura trees as I pass them, and that’s the kind of feeling I get here, too.

Asami herself is an artist who uses the age-old craft of embroidery to create a new and unique form of expression. Although this is a different world, there is surely a part of it that resonates with her.

Sato Sakura Museum Tokyo
郷さくら美術館 東京
- Address
- 1-7-13 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo (View on Google maps)
- Phone
- 03-3496-1771
- Nearest Station
- Nakameguro
- Opening Hours
- 10:00-18:00(Last admission at 17:30)
- Holidays
- Monday (except public holiday), Tuesday, end and beginning of the year holidays and during exhibition preparation
With her quirky taste in sightseeing destinations, Asami has enjoyed introducing this leading district of Tokyo culture. As someone who likes to move from place to place and who has lived in 10 different parts of the city already, she describes this area as “a fascinating district for artists and designers”.
Asami: Recently, I’ve been receiving an increasing number of offers to work overseas, and I often tell them, “Why don’t you come to Tokyo instead?” As the number of opportunities for me to go abroad has grown, I have come to notice Tokyo’s charms even more, and I would love others from overseas to come and experience it for themselves. Tokyo is a city that absorbs many different types of culture that cause it to transform, which means you can experience exciting encounters often. It’s also a safe place, and the food is delicious! (Laughs.) I value the creativity born from the everyday, and in that respect, it is a wonderful place for creative people. Many Japanese artists aspire to hop overseas, but I think that if more creative people also moved here from around the world, new intersections of culture would be born, and that would make it all the more interesting. I think this city has the charm to enable that to happen.